GROWTH is a non-profit community development organization established in 1982. For over 40 years, GROWTH has advanced its mission serving the community needs and investing in distressed areas that have increased new housing opportunities, promoted mixed-income neighborhoods, and increasing the tax base. GROWTH has changed dramatically in response to community needs. Our community driven efforts have consistently been directed at creating jobs, supporting neighborhoods, and strengthening the community fabric in ways that sustains and promotes long-term viable economic success.
NEW HOUSING OPPORTUNITIESWelcoming over 850 homebuyers through various homebuyer programs, and nearing $16 Million in assistance to homebuyers since 1998.
SUPPORTING NEIGHBORHOODSImpacting over 1,300 single family homes through new construction, rehabilitation, and owner occupied assistance since 1998 throughout the region.
STRENGTHENING COMMUNITY ASSETSCreating 351 units of multifamily rental housing to date.