NSP Program Income Downpayment Program
Moline, IL
If you are looking to purchase a home in certain neighborhoods in Moline, you may be eligible for up to 3% or 5% of the homes purchase price for downpayment assistance and up to $1,500 towards closing costs. GROWTH is providing funding for this program, derived from Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP2) Program Income.
To Qualify:
Prior to Making an Offer:
2024 Income Limits- Rock Island- Moline MSA:
Step 1: Complete
Step 2: Meet with Housing CounselorAs a HUD-Approved Housing Counseling agency, GROWTH has HUD-certified Housing Counselors that will meet with you and provide you with the financial tools needed to achieve your goal of homeownership. Send an email below to inquire.
Step 3: Participate in